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eb体育手机登录|英文有声绘本《Going to the Fire House》观光消防屋

2023-10-07 13:54 作者:eb体育登录 浏览:
本文摘要:听绘本请点击下方音频边看绘本边听故事吧~~Today my class is going to the firehouse!

听绘本请点击下方音频边看绘本边听故事吧~~Today my class is going to the firehouse!今天我要去消防站!I dress like a fireman. 我穿得像个消防队员一样。Time to fight a fire!是时候去救火了!This is Fireman Joe. 这是消防员乔。

This is his dog,Sparky.这是他的狗斯巴克。Sparky is a fire dog.斯巴克是一只消防狗。

Fireman Joe has boots.消防员乔穿着靴子。He has a jacket. 他穿着消防夹克。He has a helmet.他戴着消防头盔。

I have boots.我穿着靴子。I have a jacket. 我穿着夹克。I do not have a helmet.我没有头盔。Joe slides down the pole. 乔从消防管道上滑下来。

Sparky howls.斯巴克在吼叫。That is what he does when there is a fire.那是当有火灾时,他要做的。

We see a fire truck. 我们看到一辆消防车, It's big.消防车很大。It is red.消防车是红色的。

It has hoses and a ladder.它装有水管和云梯。Joe checks the hoses. 乔检查着水管。He lets me help.他让我来帮他。

Whoosh goes the water. 水管出水很快。This hose is working fine.能正常事情。Joe checks the ladder. 乔检查梯子。

He goes up and up.他爬得越来越高。He is in the sky. 他在空中。Hello,Fireman Joe!你好,消防员乔!Joe checks the siren.乔检查警笛。

It goes Ooo!Eee!Ooo!呜咿~呜咿~The siren is very loud.警笛的声音很是响。I cover my ears.我捂住了自己的耳朵。Joe tells us about fires .乔告诉我们关于火灾的情况。

He tells us smoke goes up . 他告诉我们烟是往上升的。When smoke goes up, 当烟往上升的时候,we must go down to the floor.我们必须只管贴近地面行走。I get on the floor.我趴在地板上。

Joe tells us what to do if we are on fire.乔告诉我们当火灾来的时候应该怎么做。Stop,drop,and roll!愣住,爬下和打滚!I stop ,drop,and roll!于是我就开始愣住,爬下和打滚!Fireman Joe smiles.消防员乔微笑着。

He has a surprise.他有一个惊喜(给大家)。He reaches into his truck.他把手伸进卡消防车里。Helmets for everyone!把头盔分发给每小我私家!I put on my helmet .我带上了我的头盔。

Joe tells me I will be a good fireman one day.乔告诉我有一天我会成为一个优秀的消防员。Ding!Ding!goes the fire alarm.叮!叮!消防警报响了。I wave good-bye to Fireman Joe.我向消防员乔挥手离别。

I wave good-bye to Sparky. 我跟斯巴克挥手再见。Time to fight a fire!是时候与火灾战斗了!Fireman Joe is ready to go!消防员乔准备好出发了!Sparky is,too.斯巴克也准备好了。

